Yesterday, the 14th of July, I've publish a Flash animation based on a Thailand movie Chocolate, which was directed by the same director who directed Ong Bak/Tom Yung Goong(The Protector, For some of you who might know) and make an animated Credits for it as an assignment assign to my Course.
Talking about the movie, this is actually the only movie, where Prachya Pinkaew, the Director, Hired the Protagonist as a Kick-ass girl named Zen. Who fought awesomely. The reason I choose this particular movie was because of her really. She's damn hot.
Right, talking about my animation. A lot of you actually ask me if it will be made a series...I'm not sure yet, but I'm considering it. Also, I would probably add voice acting in my next Flash. Which I very much, wanted to do. There's also been some complaint to the Shape Tween effect. I apologize deeply to my shame. I'll try to avoid using that bitch. (Of course, It depends on how you use it.)
I want to thank you Newgrounders for giving me 3rd place. I'm happy. Deeply, Please, push me to make more. Umm...well, I guess....that's probably it. Watch it, Review it, and Enjoy!:)
totally worth reviewing
Hey, Thanks again man for reviewing!:)